Four Different Styles


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All rights reserved©2018 Salvador Rojo Gamón

Four different styles are four mock-ups as an example of my works If you want to see the scenes, you have to contact me and I will contact you.

I. Assassins Creed Revelations Cutscene 1'05''
Assassins Creed Revelations Cutscene is the game style with epic music with strong feelings.
 II. Toy Story 3 Sunny Side Escape 2'18'' Toy Story 3 Sunny Side Escape is a mockup where I use the style called Mickey-mousing, in this kind of soundtrack the music follows the acción helping to create the mood of the scene. III.Law And Order SVU - Benson Talks To DA Barber Soundtrack Background 57'' Law And Order SVU - Benson Talks To DA Barber, in this cue the music is only as a background and is practically electronic, It's very useful when there are dialogues where the music is just accompaniment, barely audible.  IV. Incredibles Dash Persecution 3'06'' Incredibles Dash is a mockup done on the persecution scene where the main character is Dash. The music has a lot of tension and there is no dialogue so the music becomes very important bearing on the scene. It's the larger cue.

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Score & Parts Cutscene, Score & Parts Escape, Score & Parts Persecution, Score Cutscene, Score Escape, Score Persecution


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